Over the last century a wide variety of thinking has been applied to developing strategy. Not all of it resulting in successful outcomes. It is all around for everyone to see. Huge amounts of money are spent on endless research and analysis while the issues remain unresolved. And for many others strategy is still a ‘luxury’ they cannot afford – they are too busy putting out fires or initiating quick-fixes to buy back precious time so they simply add it to the list of things that never make it to the top.
Most businesses would acknowledge this, even though they haven’t yet found the courage and conviction to break away from the old and embrace a new, more agile approach that is so crucially important in this vastly more creative age.
Developing your Future
In our experience, change emphasises the need to focus on organisational agility. Cycles are becoming shorter, the frequency of change in technology, organisation and environment increases – even in “old industries”. Management systems and also employees who rely on rigid, established rules are destined to fail in the long term. In order for an organisation to be agile, each employee needs to know exactly what their contribution is to the strategic goals. So, developing a ‘strategy for the future’ that responds to this new environment is the way forward.
So talk to us about how you can create a strategy which comes to life and if you want some established frameworks like the Balanced Scorecard we can help with those too.